Friday, October 4, 2024
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Friday, October 4, 2024 | Latest Paper

Jamie Irving, Paul Deegan, and Maria Saras-Voutsinas

Jamie Irving is a member of the board of directors of Postmedia and chair of News Media Canada. Paul Deegan is president and chief executive officer of News Media Canada. Maria Saras-Voutsinas is executive director of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada.

Pablo Rodriguez, pictured Jan. 28, 2020, on the Hill, recently introduced Bill C-18, An Act Respecting Online Communications Platforms that Make News Content Available to Persons in Canada, which Jamie Irving, Paul Deegan, and Maria Saras-Voutsinas argue will level the playing field between Canada’s news publishers and digital platforms. The Hill Times photograph
Pablo Rodriguez, pictured Jan. 28, 2020, on the Hill, recently introduced Bill C-18, An Act Respecting Online Communications Platforms that Make News Content Available to Persons in Canada, which Jamie Irving, Paul Deegan, and Maria Saras-Voutsinas argue will level the playing field between Canada’s news publishers and digital platforms. The Hill Times photograph